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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - rupture


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Перевод с английского языка rupture на русский

1) диэрез 2) излом 3) пробой изоляции 4) разрушающий 5) разрушение 6) разрыв - brittle rupture - modulus of rupture - rupture strength - rupture stress - time to rupture
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См. в других словарях

  1) растрескивание; разрушение; растрескиваться; разрушать(ся) 2) место разрушения; излом; трещина ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1. сущ. 1) разлад 2) разрыв (отношений) 2. гл. 1) порывать (отношения) 2) вызывать разлад, раскол ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  разрыв; трещина ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. прорыв 2. разрыв (также мед.); разлом rupture of the heart —- разрыв сердца 3. разлад, разрыв a rupture between two friends —- разлад между друзьями rupture of diplomatic relations —- разрыв дипломатических отношений 4. перелом (также мед.) 5. трещина, пролом 6. мед. грыжа; прободение; перфорация 7. воен. разрушение 8. эл. пробой (изоляции) 9. прорывать, разрывать 10. порывать (отношения и т. п.); вызывать разлад, раскол 11. разрываться, прекращаться (об отношениях и т. п.) 12. мед. вызывать грыжу ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) прорыв; пролом  2) разрыв; rupture between friends - ссора друзей  3) med. грыжа; прободение; разрыв; перелом; the rupture of a bloodvessel - разрыв кровеносного сосуда  4) electr. пробой (изоляции)  2. v.  1) прорывать (оболочку)  2) порывать (связь, отношения)  3) med. вызывать грыжу ...
Англо-русский словарь
  разрушение, излом, разрыв creep rupture endurance rupture fatigue rupture impact rupture plane stress rupture shear rupture surface rupture tensile rupture ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) разрыв; разрушение разрываться; разрушаться 2) излом; разлом; трещина давать трещину, образовывать трещину 3) пробой (диэлектрика) 4) эл. отключение [размыкание] контактов - case rupture - complete pipe rupture - creep rupture - dimpled shear rupture - explosive rupture - film rupture - fuel rupture - hypothesized pipe rupture - impact rupture - plane stress rupture - shear rupture - surface rupture ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 the act or an instance of breaking; a breach. 2 a breach of harmonious relations; a disagreement and parting. 3 Med. an abdominal hernia. --v. 1 tr. break or burst (a cell or membrane etc.). 2 tr. sever (a connection). 3 intr. undergo a rupture. 4 tr. & intr. affect with or suffer a hernia. Derivatives rupturable adj. Etymology: ME f. OF rupture or L ruptura f. rumpere rupt- break ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ruptur, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French ~, from Latin ruptura fracture, from ruptus, past participle of rumpere to break — more at reave  Date: 15th century  1. breach of peace or concord; specifically open hostility or war between nations  2.  a. the tearing apart of a tissue ~ of the heart muscle ~ of an intervertebral disk  b. hernia  3. a breaking apart or the state of being broken apart  II. verb  (~d; rupturing)  Date: 1739  transitive verb  1.  a. to part by violence ; break, burst  b. to create or induce a breach of  2. to produce a ~ in  intransitive verb to have or undergo a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (ruptures, rupturing, ruptured) 1. A rupture is a severe injury in which an internal part of your body tears or bursts open, especially the part between the bowels and the abdomen. N-COUNT 2. If a person or animal ruptures a part of their body or if it ruptures, it tears or bursts open. His stomach might rupture from all the acid... Whilst playing badminton, I ruptured my Achilles tendon. ...a ruptured appendix. VERB: V, V n, V-ed 3. If you rupture yourself, you rupture a part of your body, usually because you have lifted something heavy. He ruptured himself playing football. VERB: V pron-refl 4. If an object ruptures or if something ruptures it, it bursts open. Certain truck gasoline tanks can rupture and burn in a collision... Sloshing liquids can rupture the walls of their containers. = burst VERB: V, V n 5. If there is a rupture between people, relations between them get much worse or end completely. The incidents have not yet caused a major rupture in the political ties between countries. N-COUNT: usu with supp 6. If someone or something ruptures relations between people, they damage them, causing them to become worse or to end. The incident ruptures a recent and fragile cease-fire. VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 an occasion when something suddenly breaks apart or bursts  (the rupture of a blood vessel) 2 a situation in which two countries or groups of people suddenly disagree and often end their relationship with each other  (the rupture between the two religious communities) 3 a medical condition in which an organ of the body sticks out through the wall of muscle that normally surrounds it; hernia ~2 v 1 to break or burst, or make something break or burst  (A pipeline carrying crude oil has ruptured.) 2 rupture yourself to cause a rupture1 (3) in your body ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1392, from L. ruptura "the breaking (of an arm or leg), fracture," from pp. stem of rumpere "to break." Meaning "abdominal hernia" first attested 1539. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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